Dear All,
CCP4 Core Team would like to inform you that ccp4-6.3.0 binary bundles, downloadable from CCP4 web-site, now have CCP4 Update Manager integrated. This means that it does not need to be installed separately any longer. What does this mean for you? - if you have CCP4 Update Manager installed and it works for you, you do not need to do anything Otherwise, - re-install CCP4 6.3.0 by downloading the appropriate package from our web-site, or by using CCP4 Package Manager - on Linux and Mac OSX platforms, apply all available updates after installation using "Manage Updates" button in ccp4i - on Windows platforms, updates 1 to 11 are already integrated with the bundle. Notice for Windows users: Starting from update 11, CCP4 Update Manager should function properly with any level of User Account Control settings (previously, it required the lowest level settings). In addition, the update contains fixes specific to Windows 8, therefore, the latest CCP4 6.3.0 bundle is installable on that system, too. Many thanks for using CCP4, Eugene Krissinel. -- Scanned by iCritical.