I think CC* (derived from CC1/2) is an important step forward in how to decide where to cut off the data you give to your refinement program, but I don't think it is a good idea to re-define what we call the "resolution of a structure". These do NOT have to be the same thing!

Remember, what we crystallographers call "resolution" is actually about 3x the "resolution" a normal person would use. That is, for most types of imaging whether it be 2D (pictures of Mars) or 3D (such as electron density) the "resolution" is the minimum feature size you can reliably detect in the image. This definition of "resolution" makes intuitive sense, especially to non-crystallographers. It is also considerably less pessimistic than our current definition since the minimum observable feature size in an electron density map is about 1/3 of the d-spacing of the highest-angle spots. This is basically because the d-spacing is the period of a sine wave in space, but the minimum feature size is related to the full-width at half max of this same wave. So, all you have to do is change your definition of "resolution" and a 3.0 A structure becomes a 1.0 A structure!

However, I think proposing this new way to define "resolution" in crystallography will be met with some resistance. Why? Because changing the meaning of "resolution" so drastically after ~100 years would be devastating to its usefulness in structure evaluation. I, for one, do not want to have to check the deposition date and see if the structure was solved before or after the end of the world (Dec 2012) before I can figure out whether or not I need to divide or multiply by 3 to get the "real" resolution of the structure. I don't think I'm alone in this.

Now, calling what used to be a 1.6 A structure a 1.42 A structure (one way to interpret Karplus & Diederichs 2012) is not quite as drastic a change as the one I flippantly propose above, but it is still a change, and there is a real danger of "definition creep" here. Most people these days seem to define the resolution limit of their data at the point where the merged I/sigma(I) drops below 2. However, using CC* = 0.5 would place the new "resolution" at the point where merged I/sigma(I) drops below 0.5. That's definitely going beyond what anyone would have called the "resolution of the structure" last year. So, which one is it? Is it a 1.6 A structure (refined using data out to 1.42 A), or is it actually a 1.42 A structure?

Unfortunately, if you talk to a number of experienced crystallographers, they will each have a slightly different set of rules for defining the "resolution limit" that they learned from their thesis advisor, who, in turn, learned it from theirs, etc. Nearly all of these "rule sets" include some reference to Rmerge, but the "acceptable" Rmerge seems to vary from 30% to as much as 150%, depending on whom you talk to. However, despite this prevalence of Rmerge in our perception of resolution there does not seem to be a single publication anywhere in the literature that recommends the use of Rmerge to define the resolution limit. Several papers have been cited to that effect, but then if you go and read them they actually made no such claim.

Mathematically, it is fairly easy to show that Rmerge is wildly unstable as the average intensity approaches zero, so how did we get stuck on it as a criterion for evaluating the outer resolution bin? I'm not really sure, but I think it must have happened around 1995. Before that, there are NO entries for Rmerge in the high-resolution bin in the PDB. Not one. Looking at papers from the pre-1995 era, you don't see it reported in "table 1" either. What is more, ever since 1995, the average reported Rmerge in the high-resolution shell has been slowly rising by about 1.6 percentage points each year. Started around 20%, and now it is up to 50%. Seriously. Here is the graph:

I think this could be yet another example of "definition creep". For any given year, I imagine a high-resolution Rmerge that is only "a few percent worse" than the average over "the PDB" at that time is probably considered "okay", and the average just keeps increasing over time.

Nevertheless, Rmerge is a useful statistic for evaluating the quality of a diffractometer, provided it is used in the way it was originally defined by Uli Arndt: over the entire dataset for spots with I/sd > 3. At large multiplicity, the Rmerge calculated this way asymptotically approaches the average "% error" for measuring a single spot. If it is more than 5% or so, then there might be something wrong with the camera (or the space group choice, etc). This is only true for Rmerge of ALL the data, not when it is relegated to a given resolution bin.

Perhaps it is time we did have a discussion about what we mean by "the resolution of a structure" so that some kind of historically relevant and "future proof" definition for it can be devised? Otherwise, we will probably one day see 1.0 A used to describe what today we would call a 3.0 A structure? The whole point here is to be able to compare results done by different people at different periods in history to each other, so I think its important to try and keep our definition of "resolution" stable, even if we do "use" spots that are beyond it.

So, what I would advise is to refine your model with data out to the resolution limit defined by CC*, but declare the "resolution of the structure" to be where the merged I/sigma(I) falls to 2. You might even want to calculate your Rmerge, Rcryst, Rfree and all the other R values to this resolution as well, since including a lot of zeroes does nothing but artificially drive up estimates of relative error. Perhaps we should even take a lesson from our "small molecule" friends and start reporting "R1", where the R factor is computed only for hkls where I/sigma(I) is above 3?

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 12/8/2012 4:04 AM, Miller, Mitchell D. wrote:
I too like the idea of reporting the table 1 stats vs resolution
rather than just the overall values and highest resolution shell.

I also wanted to point out an earlier thread from April about the
limitations of the PDB's defining the resolution as being that of
the highest resolution reflection (even if data is incomplete or weak).

What we have done in the past for cases of low completeness
in the outer shell is to define the nominal resolution ala Bart
Hazes' method of same number of reflections as a complete data set and
use this in the PDB title and describe it in the remark 3 other
refinement remarks.
   There is also the possibility of adding a comment to the PDB
remark 2 which we have not used.
This should help convince reviewers that you are not trying
to mis-represent the resolution of the structure.


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Edward A. 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] refining against weak data and Table I stats

Yes, well, actually i'm only a middle author on that paper for a good
reason, but I did encourage Rebecca and Stephan to use all the data.
But on a later, much more modest submission, where the outer shell
was not only weak but very incomplete (edges of the detector),
the reviewers found it difficult to evaluate the quality
of the data (we had also excluded a zone with bad ice-ring
problems). So we provided a second table, cutting off above
the ice ring in the good strong data, which convinced them
that at least it is a decent 2A structure. In the PDB it is
a 1.6A structure. but there was a lot of good data between
the ice ring and 1.6 A.

Bart Hazes (I think) suggested a statistic called "effective
resolution" which is the resolution to which a complete dataset
would have the number of reflectionin your dataset, and we
reported this, which came out to something like 1.75.

I do like the idea of reporting in multiple shells, not just overall
and highest shell, and the PDB accomodatesthis, even has a GUI
to enter it in the ADIT 2.0 software. It could also be used to
report two different overall ranges, such as completeness, 25 to 1.6 A,
which would be shocking in my case, and 25 to 2.0 which would
be more reassuring.


Douglas Theobald wrote:
Hi Ed,

Thanks for the comments.  So what do you recommend?  Refine against weak data, 
and report all stats in a single Table I?

Looking at your latest V-ATPase structure paper, it appears you favor something 
like that, since you report a high res shell with I/sigI=1.34 and Rsym=1.65.

On Dec 6, 2012, at 7:24 PM, Edward A. Berry<ber...@upstate.edu>  wrote:

Another consideration here is your PDB deposition. If the reason for using
weak data is to get a better structure, presumably you are going to deposit
the structure using all the data. Then the statistics in the PDB file must
reflect the high resolution refinement.

There are I think three places in the PDB file where the resolution is stated,
but i believe they are all required to be the same and to be equal to the
highest resolution data used (even if there were only two reflections in that 
Rmerge or Rsymm must be reported, and until recently I think they were not 
to exceed 1.00 (100% error?).

What are your reviewers going to think if the title of your paper is
"structure of protein A at 2.1 A resolution" but they check the PDB file
and the resolution was really 1.9 A?  And Rsymm in the PDB is 0.99 but
in your table 1* says 1.3?

Douglas Theobald wrote:
Hello all,

I've followed with interest the discussions here about how we should be refining against weak 
data, e.g. data with I/sigI<<   2 (perhaps using all bins that have a 
"significant" CC1/2 per Karplus and Diederichs 2012).  This all makes statistical 
sense to me, but now I am wondering how I should report data and model stats in Table I.

Here's what I've come up with: report two Table I's.  For comparability to legacy structure stats, 
report a "classic" Table I, where I call the resolution whatever bin I/sigI=2.  Use that 
as my "high res" bin, with high res bin stats reported in parentheses after global stats. 
  Then have another Table (maybe Table I* in supplementary material?) where I report stats for the 
whole dataset, including the weak data I used in refinement.  In both tables report CC1/2 and Rmeas.

This way, I don't redefine the (mostly) conventional usage of "resolution", my 
Table I can be compared to precedent, I report stats for all the data and for the model 
against all data, and I take advantage of the information in the weak data during 



Douglas L. Theobald
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA  02454-9110


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