Dear all,
that's probably a trivial problem but I couldn't solve it and I need some
I have (for curious people, below I explain why) a file with periodic
coordinates, ie the content of "many" contiguous unit cells whose
asymmetric unit is a point. Can you suggest a program able to define unit
cell and space group? I hope I explained myself...
Thanks a lot!!

The framework:
I have communication problems with some physicist collaborators. I
xtallised ferritin loaded with metal nanoparticles and they made some
magnetic characterization on it. They asked me the cell parameters and I
gave it (C2221). Then I realized that what they need is the directed
distance between the metal nanoparticles. The problem is that the
asymmetric unit is one ferritin and half, moreover the protein is a
chiral/oriented object but the particle inside is not so, for their
purposes, I think that the symmetry is different than mine. I told them but
they don't understand me! They think that the cell, being base centred
orthorhombic, implies that there is just a ferritin at each edge and at
base centre. In an attempt to better describe the system, I used pymol to
put a pseudoatom at the center of each ferritin and saved the coordinates.
I sent them the coordinates and some explanatory pictures but they can't
figure how the symmetry of protein lattice can be different than that of
the metal particles lattice. Moreover, they do not understand why
spherically symmetrical protein crystallizes in anything different from
cubic lattice.  I give up! I'd like to find the cell from the point of view
of the metal particle, ask them to do their calculation on it and make a

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