Hello, I have two different NIH funded post-doctoral positions open in my laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The first position is part of our program project on studies of phosphonate biosynthetic enzymes (see Nature 459, 871-4; PNAS 107, 17557-62). The second opening is for work on the biosynthesis of ribosomally encoded natural products (see Science 311, 1464-67; Chem Bio. 19, 1411-22; PNAS 109, 4425-30). Both projects will involve significant biochemical and microbiological components in addition to structural biology.
Applicants should hold a PhD degree and have experience in most aspects of protein biochemistry and structural biology. A background in Chemistry and/or Microbiology is not required but is preferred. Equipment necessary to carry out all of the structural biology is available in my lab. In addition, we also share one half of one floor of the Institute for Genomic Biology, containing all of the infrastructure for natural products isolation and characterization. The University of Illinois is a member of LS-CAT at Argonne National Labs (located roughly 2 hours away) and ample synchrotron access is available. Interested applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a summary of past research experience and accomplishments, and 3 letters of reference (e-mail is preferred). -- Satish Nair Professor, Department of Biochemistry Department of Chemistry Institute for Genomic Biology and Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology University of Illinois 600 S. Mathews Ave Urbana, IL 61801 sn...@uiuc.edu