Yes, it can be done. I may be able to do it soon. I have to find a better 
delimiter, + may not be good becuase it may be part of atom names.
Another way would be: if you have more than 10-15 atoms then you can divide 
planes into several overlapping planes
And yet another way (perhaps better way for large planes): describe planes with 
all possible local torsion angles with 0 or 180 degree target.


On 29 Nov 2012, at 10:36, wrote:

> Thank you very much to all of you for your replies.
> The external restraints mechanism works perfectly as far as you do not exceed 
> 468 characters in a string. If one wants to restraint more than let's say 15 
> atoms it is not feasible!
> Is it possible to list the atoms in a more compact way? I have in mind 
> something like:
> first atom CA chain A residue 25 next atom CB+C+O+X1+X2 chain B residue 50
> or something similar.
> Thank you again for your help.
> Andrea
> Quoting Garib N Murshudov <>:
>> Dear Andrea
>> There are two ways as they were mentioned by Tim and Ian:
>> 1) Using external restraints mechanism. You define something like (it is an 
>> example):
>> external plane first atom CA chain A residue 25 next atom CB chain B residue 
>> 50 next atom OG chain B residue 100 next atom CC chain C residue 2 sigma 0.02
>> You need to add one line per plane. It is better to define these restraints 
>> in a file and then read in external keywords part of the refmac5 interface 
>> of ccp4i
>> 2) Define link and use planes there. Links are defined for pairs of 
>> residues. The best way of defining links is using JLigand that can be 
>> downloaded from (it should be available from ccp4 6.3 also):
>> there are very good tutorials written by Andrey Lebedev for new ligands as 
>> well as how to define links and use them in refmac
>> regards
>> Garib
>> On 28 Nov 2012, at 07:03, Andrea Pica wrote:
>>> Hi everybody!
>>> Is there a simple way in REFMAC to restraints a group of atoms belonging to 
>>> different residues to lay on a plane? Of course I would like to set the 
>>> sigma!
>>> Do I have to add any line in the PDB header? Is it that simple?
>>> Thank you very much!
>>> Andrea
>>> Andrea Pica, Ph.D. student
>>> University of Naples "Federico II"
>>> Department of Chemical Sciences - Room 1N-04
>>> Complesso Universitario Monte S. Angelo
>>> Via Cintia
>>> I-80126 Naples - Italy
>>> Phone 39-081 674269
>>> Fax 39-081 674090
>> Dr Garib N Murshudov
>> Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
>> Hills Road
>> Cambridge
>> CB2 0QH UK
>> Email:
>> Web
> Andrea Pica, Ph.D. student
> University of Naples "Federico II"
> Department of Chemical Sciences - Room 1N-04
> Complesso Universitario Monte S. Angelo
> Via Cintia
> I-80126 Naples - Italy
> Phone 39-081 674269
> Fax 39-081 674090

Dr Garib N Murshudov
Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Hills Road 

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