Nice (and short!) article on the history in a recent issue of Physics World
(free registration is required).

-- Ian

On 22 November 2012 12:45, Rex Palmer <> wrote:

> Dear CCP4'ers
> One speaker is Professor Mike Glazer (Oxford). He would like as many
> crystallographers as possible to know about this. Mike says: " On Nov 29 on
> Radio4 I expect to be talking about the Braggs on the Melvyn Bragg program
> In Our Time at 9 oclock am. Today (11th November 2012) is exactly 100 years
> since W L Bragg presented his first paper to the Cambridge Philosophical
> Society and thus begun the field of X-ray Crystallography."
> Rex Palmer
>    *From:* Peter Keller <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, 22 November 2012, 10:30
> *Subject:* [ccp4bb] Crystallography on BBC Radio 4 next week
> Dear all,
> On Thursday next week, the BBC radio program "In Our Time" will be
> discussing the history of crystallography. The link to the program is <
>>. Unfortunately, it doesn't say
> who the guests are, but they usually manage to find people with something
> interesting to say, even if the presenter Melvyn Bragg's grasp of
> scientific material isn't always that great.
> I think that from outside the UK it is possible to listen live from the
> link above, and that a day or two after the broadcast a podcast will be
> available to download from <>.
> Regards,
> Peter.
> -- Peter Keller                                    Tel.: +44 (0)1223
> 353033
> Global Phasing Ltd.,                            Fax.: +44 (0)1223 366889
> Sheraton House,
> Castle Park,
> Cambridge CB3 0AX
> United Kingdom

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