Hi Andre, There is set of plasmids allowing coexpression in yeast they are described in the following article
Constructionand characterization of bidirectional expression vectors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Aimin Li1,2, Zengshan Liu1, Qianxue Li2, Lu Yu1, Dacheng Wang2 & Xuming Deng 1,2 in FEMS Yeast Res 8 (2008) 6–9 !c Those plasmids are designed for coexpression and use two different promoters a constitutive one (GPD) and a strong inducible one (GAL). You have several selection markers and they are shuttle vectors for easy manipulation and amplification in E. coli. Hope this helps. Best of luck -- Pascal F. Egea, PhD Assistant Professor UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine Department of Biological Chemistry Boyer Hall room 356 611 Charles E Young Drive East Los Angeles CA 90095 office (310)-983-3515 lab (310)-983-3516 email pe...@mednet.ucla.edu