In my hands shelxc/d/e pipeline as it is implemented in ccp4 is working 
After slowing structure yesterday using hkl2map I resolved it using ccp4 to 
have faster access to buccaneer or ARP/wARP.
Needless to say that I used data I have measured in the form of from 
So it is probably really only converting of MTZ to SCA that induces problem.

Dr Felix Frolow   
Professor of Structural Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Molecular 
Microbiology and Biotechnology
Tel Aviv University 69978, Israel

Acta Crystallographica F, co-editor

Tel:  ++972-3640-8723
Fax: ++972-3640-9407
Cellular: 0547 459 608

On Nov 6, 2012, at 16:54 , Tim Gruene <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Dear all,
> since there were more than one remark about the shelx c/d/e interface
> in ccp4 6.3.0 crashing I just tried myself.
> I DO get output from shelxc, unlike e.g. Shanti Pal Gangwar who opened
> one corresponding thread on this bb, but shelxc crashes because of
> improper conversion of the mtz-file to sca-format.
> Since sca-format is fixed format, the data ought to be rescaled to
> 99999.99, something e.g. the program mtz2sca
> (
> does by default.
> I know that several pipelines have had this problem with mtz2various,
> but I am not aware of a fix (I ran the ccp4 auto-update  just now).
> I can recommend, however, that people either use Thomas Schneider's
> GUI hkl2map or run shelx c/d/e from the command line - it is really
> not difficult and explained e.g. in the tutorial available from my
> web-site.
> I copy this to ccp4-dev hoping that the ccp4i GUI gets fixed soon.
> I case there is a fix I am not aware of, I am sorry, no offence meant.
> There have just been many comments (also personal, off-board) and I
> hope this gives an answer to many of those who asked.
> Best,
> Tim
> - -- 
> - --
> Dr Tim Gruene
> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
> Tammannstr. 4
> D-37077 Goettingen
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