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Dear Shanti,

to track the problem I suggest you download the tutorial and data from
my homepage at
http://shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de/~tg/teaching/anl-ccp4/index.php and run
shelxc outside ccp4.
If that works, one can further try to isolate the problem. Is there
any other output other than the log-file you sent, e.g. to the terminal?


On 11/06/2012 07:10 AM, Shanti Pal Gangwar wrote:
> Dear Sir Tim
> from the lack of any shelxc-related output in the log-file my
> first guess is you don't have shelxc installed on your system - do
> you? It is not part of ccp4 and must be installed separately.
> I have already have installed shelxc/d/e on my computer and its
> also shoeing in CCp4 program list.On intallation its shwoing
> successful installation but during Run it is failed. Thanks
> Dear Sir John Dear Shanti, Basic steps:- Print, sign and send the
> license form to Prof Sheldrick. He will then instruct you how to
> download the exe files. Take note of whether you have a 64 bit
> computer ie for the correct exe files. Place them into a folder eg
> in the ccp4 binaries program folder. In the ccp4 admin section of
> the GUI explicitly add the path to the program exe files, as
> above. Exit the GUI and re enter it. The program icon for Shelx
> C/D/E will now not be greyed out. The program inputs are obvious. 
> So far I got C and D to work fine, but not E. Phaser EP also allows
> you to run C and D. The advantage of running them independently are
> the excellent graphs eg of delta anom/sigma delta anom versus
> resolution.
> I have downloaded Shelx exe files and  tried to download on 64 Bit 
> computer. during installtion it showed succesfull installtion but
> during run it fails. please suggest.
> Thanks
> On 5 November 2012 20:29, Tim Gruene <t...@shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de>
> wrote:
> Dear    ,
> from the lack of any shelxc-related output in the log-file my
> first guess is you don't have shelxc installed on your system - do
> you? It is not part of ccp4 and must be installed separately. 
> (http://shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de/SHELX/index.html#Obtain%20SHELX)
> Regards, Tim
> On 11/05/2012 03:53 PM, Shanti Pal Gangwar wrote:
>>>> Dear All
>>>> I have installed ccp4 version 6.3.0.
>>>> I am facing problem during shelxc/d/e run as it terminates
>>>> with termination status" shelxc failed to generate native hkl
>>>> file"
>>>> Please suggest me how to rectify above mentioned problem.
>>>> For your convenience I have attached the log file of this
>>>> run.
>>>> Thanks is advance.

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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