I am experiencing a weird problem with B factor refinement (individual,
isotropic) in phenix.refine (1.8.1.-1168) and a structure at 1.9 A
resolution. The ADP values after the refinement are very very low, less
than 2 and sometimes 0. I am getting the same result with and without
optimization of the X-ray/ADP weight. Has anyone else noticed that and
is there a workaround ?
Dr. Demetres D. Leonidas
Associate Professor of Biochemistry
Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology
University of Thessaly
26 Ploutonos Str.
41221 Larissa, Greece
Tel. +302410 565278
Tel. +302410 565297 (Lab)
Fax. +302410 565290
E-mail: ddleoni...@bio.uth.gr