How would you distinguish between a mixture of Ca and Zn in the same locations?

From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Kumar, Veerendra 
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:55 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Ca or Zn

Dear CCP4bb users,

I am working on a Ca2+ binding protein. it has 4-5 ca2+ binding sites.  I 
purified the protein  in presence of Ca2+ and crystallized the Ca2+ bound 
protein. I got crystal and solved the structure by SAD phasing at 2.1A 
resolution. I can see the clear density in the difference map for metals at the 
expected binding sites. However I had ZnCl2 in the crystallization conditions. 
Now i am not sure whether the observed density is for Ca or Zn or how many of 
them are ca or  zn? Since Ca (20 elctron) and Zn (30 electron), is this value 
difference can be used to make a guess about different ions?
is there any way we can find the electron density value at different peaks?

Thank you


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