Hi Phillippe,

If looking only at the figs. 3A,B,C in the PNAS paper alone, yes, I would agree with you that the proposed correlation is quite weak. Without the help of the trend lines, I would probably conclude that there is no correlation between the IF and number of retractions by a simple look. Of course the R squares are quite telling on the quality of the fitting already. On the other hand, the same authors had done similar analysis on a smaller pool of samples (17 journals) in an earlier study: http://iai.asm.org/content/79/10/3855.full, figure 1. It seems that when including way less journals, the trend stood out quite nicely - leading the authors to say "a strong correlation" in the earlier publication. I am not sure if the earlier clearer trend was a result of cherry picking, as the choice of journals looks quite normal – like a standard pool of journals one particular lab would consider to publish papers on.

It would also be interesting for us on the CCP4BB to try picking only the journals that we would consider to publish structures on, and plot the RI:IF graph to see what would happen. Compared to other fields of biology, frauds in crystallography is probably easier to detect, thus we need worry less about the false negatives: the low impact papers that were fraudulent or erroneous, but nobody cared to spend their effort battling.( I think when taking consideration of this, drawing conclusions from figs. 3A,B,C would be even more dangerous.)

I would also like to bring two more issues for discussion:

One, in the 2011 IAI paper's fig. 1, the authors plotted Retraction Index, which is the total # of Retractions multiplied by 1000 then divided by total number of publication, whereas in the 2012 PNAS paper figures 3A,B,C, the plots simply used number of retractions to plot against the IFs. I wonder what they will look like if the figures 3A,B,C were plotted as RI vs IF – considering that many low or moderately-low IF journals publish huge numbers of papers.

The second issue is, in the PNAS figures 3A,B,C, at the lower left corner, although the dots have a dense looking, the viewers have to realize that most of them only represent 1 to 3 retractions. Ten of such points contain the same number of retractions that one point at the upper halves of the panels A and B contains. Maybe simple bar graphs for numbers of retractions in each IF bin would provide more help. Also, the fact that the averaged IFs landed at ~8 and ~12 for the fraud and errors cases (fig 3D) suggests that the absolute number of retractions occurred in high IF journals is quite significant, especially considering that there are way fewer journals with IF>10 than the ones with IF<10 in the 200-300 journals. So in my view, maybe trying to fit a straight line to the distribution is overly idealistic, some sort of partition does exist.


From: "DUMAS Philippe (UDS)" <p.du...@ibmc-cnrs.unistra.fr>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 6:15 AM
To: "Zhijie Li" <zhijie...@utoronto.ca>
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] PNAS on fraud

Le Jeudi 18 Octobre 2012 22:52 CEST, Zhijie Li <zhijie...@utoronto.ca> a écrit:

Thank you for this funny (and yet significant) comment.
But I do not see clearly whether you agree with me or with the PNAS paper....
For me, this conclusion in the PNAS paper is just ridiculous.
Philippe D

On curve fitting:


From: "DUMAS Philippe (UDS)" <p.du...@ibmc-cnrs.unistra.fr>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] PNAS on fraud

> Le Jeudi 18 Octobre 2012 19:16 CEST, "Bernhard Rupp (Hofkristallrat > a.D.)"
> <hofkristall...@gmail.com> a écrit:
> I had a look to this PNAS paper by Fang et al.
> I am a bit surprised by their interpretation of their Fig. 3: they > claim > that here exists a highly signficant correlation between Impact factor > and > number of retractations. Personnaly, I would have concluded to a > complete
> lack of correlation...
> Should I retract this judgment?
> Philippe Dumas

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