How about DNA synthesis within crystals?

1: Kiefer JR, Mao C, Braman JC, Beese LS. Visualizing DNA replication in a catalytically active Bacillus DNA polymerase crystal. Nature. 1998 Jan 15;391(6664):304-7. PubMed PMID: 9440698.

2: Johnson SJ, Taylor JS, Beese LS. Processive DNA synthesis observed in a polymerase crystal suggests a mechanism for the prevention of frameshift mutations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Apr 1;100(7):3895-900. Epub 2003 Mar 20. PubMed PMID: 12649320; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC153019.


On 10/9/12 2:33 PM, WENHE ZHONG wrote:
Dear CCP4 members,

Recently, I got a ligand soaking structure to clearly show a large
domain (~100 amino acids) movement compared to the no soaking structure.
Although there are some reported examples of this enzyme to suggest the
flexibility of this large domain which is relevant to substrate binding.
_But it is the first time I can see it happen in crystal soaking
procedure._ In this case, I am pleased by this result.

My question is, do you have any other example like mine, where domain
(or loop) movement is observed _*in crystal*_ during ligand _*soaking*_
procedure? It would be very helpful for me to relate my result to other
similar examples. Thank you very much.

King regards,

Meindert H. Lamers
Medical Research Council
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Hills Road,
Cambridge, CB2 0QH
United Kingdom
tel +44 (0)1223 402401
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