Beamtime is currently available for the fall 2012 run, now through November 19,
at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS, in Ithaca NY). The
facility offers:
Monochromatic stations A1 and F1, at 12.7 and 13.5 KeV, with ADSC CCD detectors,
ALS-style crystal automounters, high-quality goniostat, cryo system, crystal
centering, etc. Mail-in data collection is supported, as well as remote
operation at the F1 station for users who are familiar with CHESS.
BioSAXS station F2, with dual Pilatus detectors in SAXS-WAXS configuration,
automated sample flow system with robotic sample-loading option, adjacent HPLC
for sample prep, excellent software for immediate data processing.
A high level of support is provided to all users, and we welcome "non-standard"
For more information, and on-line submission of a beamtime request, visit or contact User Administrator Kathy Dedrick,, 607-255-0920.