Hash: SHA1

Sorry, 6e^-/A^3 (or -6e/A^3 for charge density people) this should
have said.

On 09/20/2012 11:39 AM, Tim Gruene wrote:
> tg@slartibartfast:~/tmp$ phenix.python run.py 0.001         627.413
> -4.01639e+06          303880 0.1         275.984         275.247
> 435.678 0.5         92.2049          92.206         93.6615 1
> 47.8941         47.8936         47.9421 10         3.54414
> 3.54415          3.5439 100        0.217171         0.21717
> 0.21714
> weird numbers. A proper description would have 6e/A^3 for a C at 
> x=(0,0,0) with B=0. How are these numbers 'not inaccurate'?
> Cheers, Tim
> On 09/19/2012 06:47 PM, Pavel Afonine wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> using dynamic N-Gaussian approximation to form-factor tables as 
>> described here (pages 27-29):
>> http://cci.lbl.gov/publications/download/iucrcompcomm_jan2004.pdf
>>  and used in Phenix since 2004, avoids both: singularity at B=0
>> and inaccurate density values (compared to the raw forma-factor
>> tables) for B->0.
>> Attached is the script that proves this point. To run, simply 
>> "phenix.python run.py".
>> Pavel
>> On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 11:32 PM, James Holton
>> <jmhol...@lbl.gov> wrote:
>>> Yes, the constant term in the "5-Gaussian" structure factor 
>>> tables does become annoying when you try to plot electron
>>> density in real space, but only if you try to make the B factor
>>> zero.  If the B factors are ~12 (like they are in 1m1n), then
>>> the electron density 2.0 A from an Fe atom is not -0.2 e-/A^3,
>>> it is 0.025 e-/A^3. This is only 1% of the electron density at
>>> the center of a nitrogen atom with the same B factor.
>>> But if you do set the B factor to zero, then the electron
>>> density at the center of any atom (using the 5-Gaussian model)
>>> is infinity.  To put it in gnuplot-ish, the structure factor of
>>> Fe (in reciprocal space) can be plotted with this function: 
>>> Fe_sf(s)=Fe_a1*exp(-Fe_b1*s*s)**+Fe_a2*exp(-Fe_b2*s*s)+Fe_a3***
>>>  exp(-Fe_b3*s*s)+Fe_a4*exp(-Fe_**b4*s*s)+Fe_c
>>> where: Fe_c = 1.036900; Fe_a1 = 11.769500; Fe_a2 = 7.357300; 
>>> Fe_a3 = 3.522200; Fe_a4 = 2.304500; Fe_b1 = 4.761100; Fe_b2 = 
>>> 0.307200; Fe_b3 = 15.353500; Fe_b4 = 76.880501; and "s" is 
>>> sin(theta)/lambda
>>> applying a B factor is then just multiplication by exp(-B*s*s)
>>> Since the terms are all Gaussians, the inverse Fourier
>>> transform can actually be done analytically, giving the
>>> real-space version, or the expression for electron density vs
>>> distance from the nucleus (r):
>>> Fe_ff(r,B) = \ 
>>> +Fe_a1*(4*pi/(Fe_b1+B))**1.5***safexp(-4*pi**2/(Fe_b1+B)*r*r) \
>>>  +Fe_a2*(4*pi/(Fe_b2+B))**1.5***safexp(-4*pi**2/(Fe_b2+B)*r*r)
>>> \ +Fe_a3*(4*pi/(Fe_b3+B))**1.5***safexp(-4*pi**2/(Fe_b3+B)*r*r)
>>> \ +Fe_a4*(4*pi/(Fe_b4+B))**1.5***safexp(-4*pi**2/(Fe_b4+B)*r*r)
>>> \ +Fe_c *(4*pi/(B))**1.5*safexp(-4*pi****2/(B)*r*r);
>>> Where here applying a B factor requires folding it into each 
>>> Gaussian term.  Notice how the Fe_c term blows up as B->0?
>>> This is where most of the series-termination effects come from.
>>> If you want the above equations for other atoms, you can get
>>> them from here: 
>>> http://bl831.als.lbl.gov/~**jamesh/pickup/all_atomsf.**gnuplot<http://bl831.als.lbl.gov/~jamesh/pickup/all_atomsf.gnuplot>
>>> This "infinitely sharp spike problem" seems to have led some 
>>> people to conclude that a zero B factor is non-physical, but 
>>> nothing could be further from the truth!  The scattering from 
>>> mono-atomic gasses is an excellent example of how one can
>>> observe the B=0 structure factor.   In fact, gas scattering is
>>> how the quantum mechanical self-consistent field calculations
>>> of electron clouds around atoms was experimentally verified.
>>> Does this mean that there really is an infinitely sharp "spike"
>>> in the middle of every atom?  Of course not.  But there is a
>>> "very" sharp spike.
>>> So, the problem of "infinite density" at the nucleus is really 
>>> just an artifact of the 5-Gaussian formalism.  Strictly
>>> speaking, the "5-Gaussian" structure factor representation you
>>> find in ${CLIBD}/atomsf.lib (or Table in the
>>> International Tables volume C) is nothing more than a curve fit
>>> to the "true" values listed in ITC volume C tables
>>> (neutral atoms) and (ions).  These latter tables are
>>> the Fourier transform of the "true" electron density
>>> distribution around a particular atom/ion obtained from quantum
>>> mechanical self-consistent field calculations (like those of
>>> Cromer, Mann and many others).
>>> The important thing to realize is that the fit was done in 
>>> _reciprocal_ space, and if you look carefully at tables
>>> and, you can see that even at REALLY high
>>> angle (sin(theta)/lambda = 6, or 0.083 A resolution) there is
>>> still significant elastic scattering from the heavier atoms.
>>> The purpose of the "constant term" in the 5-Gaussian
>>> representation is to try and capture this high-angle "tail",
>>> and for the really heavy atoms this can be more than 5 electron
>>> equivalents.  In real space, this is equivalent to saying that
>>> about 5 electrons are located within at least ~0.03 A of the
>>> nucleus.  That's a very short distance, but it is also not
>>> zero.  This is because the first few shells of electrons around
>>> things like a Uranium nucleus actually are very small and
>>> dense.  How, then, can we have any hope of modelling heavy
>>> atoms properly without using a map grid sampling of 0.01A ?
>>> Easy!  The B factors are never zero.
>>> Even for a truly infinitely sharp peak (aka a single
>>> electron), it doesn't take much of a B factor to spread it out
>>> to a reasonable size.  For example, applying a B factor of 9 to
>>> a point charge will give it a full-width-half max (FWHM) of 0.8
>>> A, the same as the "diameter" of a carbon atom.  A carbon atom
>>> with B=12 has FWHM = 1.1 A, the same as a "point" charge with
>>> B=16. Carbon at B=80 and a point with B=93 both have FWHM = 2.6
>>> A.  As the B factor becomes larger and larger, it tends to
>>> dominate the atomic shape (looks like a single Gaussian).  This
>>> is why it is so hard to assign atom types from density alone.
>>> In fact, with B=80, a Uranium atom at 1/100th occupancy is
>>> essentially indistinguishable from a hydrogen atom. That is,
>>> even a modest B factor pretty much "washes out" any sharp
>>> features the atoms might have.  Sometimes I wonder why we
>>> bother with "form factors" at all, since at modest resolutions
>>> all we really need is Z (the atomic number) and the B factor.
>>> But, then again, I suppose it doesn't hurt either.
>>> So, what does this have to do with series termination?  Series 
>>> termination arises in the inverse Fourier transform (making a
>>> map from structure factors).  Technically, the "tails" of a
>>> Gaussian never reach zero, so any sort of "resolution cutoff"
>>> always introduces some error into the electron density
>>> calculation. That is, if you create an arbitrary
>>> electron-density map, convert it into structure factors and
>>> then "fft" it back, you do _not_ get the same map that you
>>> started with!  How much do they differ? Depends on the RMS
>>> value of the high-angle structure factors that have been cut
>>> off (Parseval's theorem).  The "infinitely sharp spike" problem
>>> exacerbates this, because the B=0 structure factors do not tend
>>> toward zero as fast as a Gaussian with the "atomic width"
>>> would.
>>> So, for a given resolution, when does the B factor get "too 
>>> sharp"?  Well, for "protein" atoms, the following B factors
>>> will introduce an rms error in the electron density map equal
>>> to about 5% of the peak height of the atoms when the data are
>>> cut to the following resolution: d     B 1.0 <5 1.5 8 2.0 27
>>> 2.5 45 3.0 65 3.5 86 4.0 >99
>>> smaller B factors than this will introduce more than 5% error
>>> at each of these resolutions.  Now, of course, one is often
>>> not nearly as concerned with the average error in the map as
>>> you are with the error at a particular point of interest, but
>>> the above numbers can serve as a rough guide.  If you want to
>>> see the series-termination error at a particular point in the
>>> map, you will have to calculate the "true" map of your model
>>> (using a program like SFALL), and then run the map back and
>>> forth through the Fourier transform and resolution cutoff (such
>>> as with SFALL and FFT).  You can then use MAPMAN or Chimera to
>>> probe the electron density at the point of interest.
>>> But, to answer the OP's question, I would not recommend trying
>>> to do fancy map interpretation to identify a mystery atom.
>>> Instead, just refine the occupancy of the mystery atom and see
>>> where that goes.  Perhaps jiggling the rest of the molecule
>>> with "kick maps" to see how stable the occupancy is.  Since
>>> refinement only does forward-FFTs, it is formally insensitive
>>> to series termination errors.  It is only map calculation where
>>> series termination can become a problem.
>>> Thanks to Garib for clearing up that last point for me!
>>> -James Holton MAD Scientist
>>> On 9/15/2012 3:12 AM, Tim Gruene wrote:
>> Dear Ian,
>> provided that f(s) is given by the formula in the Cromer/Mann 
>> article, which I believe we have agreed on, the inset of Fig.1
>> of the Science article we are talking about is claimed to be the
>> graph of the function g, which I added as pdf to this email for
>> better readability.
>> Irrespective of what has been plotted in any other article 
>> meantioned throughout this thread, this claim is incorrect,
>> given a_i, b_i, c > 0.
>> I am sure you can figure this out yourself. My argument was not 
>> involving mathematical programs but only one-dimensional
>> calculus.
>> Cheers, Tim
>> On 09/14/2012 04:46 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:
>>>>>> On 14 September 2012 15:15, Tim Gruene 
>>>>>> <t...@shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de> wrote:
>>>>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
>>>>>>> Hello Ian,
>>>>>>> your article describes f(s) as sum of four Gaussians, 
>>>>>>> which is not the same f(s) from Cromer's and Mann's
>>>>>>> paper and the one used both by Niu and me. Here, f(s)
>>>>>>> contains a constant, as I pointed out to in my
>>>>>>> response, which makes the integral oscillate between
>>>>>>> plus and minus infinity as the upper integral border
>>>>>>> (called 1/dmax in the article Niu refers to) goes to
>>>>>>> infinity).
>>>>>>> Maybe you can shed some light on why your article uses
>>>>>>> a different f(s) than Cromer/Mann. This explanation
>>>>>>> might be the answer to Nius question, I reckon, and
>>>>>>> feed my curiosity, too.
>>>>>> Tim & Niu, oops yes a small slip in the paper there, it 
>>>>>> should have read "4 Gaussians + constant term": this is 
>>>>>> clear from the ITC reference given and the 
>>>>>> $CLIBD/atomsf.lib table referred to. In practice it's 
>>>>>> actually rendered as a sum of 5 Gaussians after you 
>>>>>> multiply the f(s) and atomic Biso factor terms, so
>>>>>> unless Biso = 0 (very unphysical!) there is actually no
>>>>>> constant term.  My integral for rho(r) certainly doesn't
>>>>>> oscillate between plus and minus infinity as d_min ->
>>>>>> zero.  If yours does then I suspect that either the Biso
>>>>>> term was forgotten or if not then a bug in the
>>>>>> integration routine (e.g. can it handle properly the
>>>>>> point at r = 0 where the standard formula for the density
>>>>>> gives 0/0?).  I used QUADPACK 
>>>>>> (http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~**jburkardt/f_src/quadpack/**quadpack.html<http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f_src/quadpack/quadpack.html>
>>>>>> which seems pretty good at taking care of such 
>>>>>> singularities (assuming of course that the integral does 
>>>>>> actually converge).
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> -- Ian
>>>>>> - -- - --
>> Dr Tim Gruene Institut fuer anorganische Chemie Tammannstr. 4 
>> D-37077 Goettingen
>> GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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