Just a reminder that the closing date (30th September) for registering for this BioSTRUCT-X funded meeting is fast approaching. The meeting is aimed at synchrotron users wishing to get the most out of multi-circle goniometers / pixel array detectors.
Workshop on Advanced Data Collection with Multi-axis Goniometer and Single-photon Counting Detector http://indico.psi.ch/multiaxisgonio2012 Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland Nov. 6th - 8th, 2012 This workshop will address aspects including application of multi-axis goniometer for difficult phasing experiments, data collection optimization for single-photon counting detectors, as well as data processing optimization to take full advantage of crystal geometry and detector properties. Hardware and software developments, as well as user applications will be covered. The workshop contains both lectures and practicals. Data collection practicals will be performed at beamline X06DA at the Swiss Light Source on a multi-axis goniometer PRIGo and a PILATUS 2M detector. Data processing tutorials will be on the following programs: AutoPROC (XDS/SCALA), PROTEUM, and CrysAlisPro. There will be no registration fee and all local expenses will be covered, but participants are requested to take care of their travel arrangements. The workshop is limited to 20 participants. http://indico.psi.ch/multiaxisgonio2012 This workshop is funded by BioStruct-X (WP10.7). Speakers Gerard Bricogne, Global Phasing Ltd. Sandor Brockhauser, ESRF Kay Diederichs, Uni. Konstanz Gwyndaf Evans, Diamond Light Source Pierre Legrand, SOLEIL Andrew McCarthy, ESRF Marcus Muller, Dectris, Ltd. Vincent Olieric, SLS Michael Ruf, Bruker AXS Thomas Schneider, PETRAIII Clemens Schulze-Briese, Dectris, Ltd. Tadeusz Skarzynski, Agilent Technologies Andrew Thompson, SOLEIL Clemens Vonrhein, Global Phasing Ltd. Sandro Waltersperger, SLS Uwe Mueller, BESSY