I figured it out ATOM 48 C PRO A 11 59.322 -42.497 -19.375 1.00 39.11 C ATOM 49 O PRO A 11 58.425 -42.192 -20.159 1.00 36.42 O HETATM 50 N NH2 A 11 60.520 -42.416 -19.709 1.00 46.31 O TER
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Gloria Borgstahl <gborgst...@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 12:25 PM Subject: CONH2 not COOH at TER To: ccp4bb@jiscmail.ac.uk How would I tell REFMAC to replace the C-terminal Pro in my synthetic peptide with a CONH2 not the natural CT.