Hi ccp4bb community, apologies for the off-topic question but I hope
someone in the community may have seen something similar before.

I'm fighting to optimize some needles that don't currently diffract. After
coaxing them into growth large enough to see their shape, I notice they
have a funny morphology (photo linked below). Apologies for the blur, the
photo is at the zoom limit of our imager; the largest central rod is around
10 um wide. These "rods" make me think of the WTC One building if it were
to be stacked end-on-end, or alternatively, argyle socks.


Anyway, so far as I understand, this type of shape is incompatible with the
growth of a single crystal, and I wonder what might cause this. They do
seem to have diamond-shaped facets with edges, but I can't tell if the
facets are flat or have some curvature.  In similar conditions, these
crystals do splinter quite a bit, and so I might guess that it is a result
of some strange amalgam of 1D needles, though the pattern repeats regularly
with a period of about 30 um.

My two questions are:

1: What might cause this? Could this just be a fluke packing of aligned
needles, some effect of lattice distortions, or something else?

2: If it's known, is there anything that might be done to coax these into a
better, more "prismatic" morphology that might diffract? I'm sure the usual
strategies about seeding and additives apply, but I wonder if a distorted
shape like this might suggest any other avenues of attack.

Thanks for your time,

Shane Caldwell

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