The 3tvn coordinates/SF were released today. I'm not sure what the lag time
is between the PDB and EDS but you'd probably need to download the
structure factors and generate the map yourself.

If you're not in a super rush I know the person who refined that specific
PDB and I may be able to get you a copy of her final maps to send you
off-board once she gets back from vacation.


On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Shya Biswas <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was trying to get maps using the *fetch PDB and Map using EDS option*in 
> coot, however the map would not open I am using coot version 0.6.2 was
> wondering if anybody else had similar problems and how to fix this, the
> following is the error message I get. It used to work fine with a previous
> version of coot.
> CCP4MTZfile: open_read - File missing or corrupted:
> coot-download/3tvn_sigmaa.mtz
> INFO:: not an mtz file: coot-download/3tvn_sigmaa.mtz
> ERROR: no f_cols!
> ERROR: no phi_cols!
> valid_labels(coot-download/3tvn_sigmaa.mtz,FOFCWT,PHFOFCWT,,0) returns 0
> >>>>>> CCP4 library signal library_file:End of File (Error)
>      raised in ccp4_file_raw_read <<<<<<
> >>>>>> System signal 0:Success (Error)
>      raised in ccp4_file_rarch <<<<<<
> >>>>>> CCP4 library signal library_file:End of File (Error)
>      raised in ccp4_file_raw_read <<<<<<
> >>>>>> System signal 0:Success (Error)
>      raised in ccp4_file_readchar <<<<<<
> >>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:Read failed (Error)
>      raised in MtzGet <<<<<<
> CCP4MTZfile: open_read - File missing or corrupted:
> coot-download/3tvn_sigmaa.mtz
> INFO:: not an mtz file: coot-download/3tvn_sigmaa.mtz
> ERROR: no f_cols!
> ERROR: no phi_cols!
> WARNING:: label(s) not found in mtz file coot-download/3tvn_sigmaa.mtz
> WARNING:: -1 is not a valid molecule in set_scrollable_map
> thanks,
> Shya

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