An earlier post said the point-group is P2, and these reported cells do not quote the beta angles: what are these angles?. In the monoclinic system it is possible to have two closely-similar alternative cells in certain special cases, and if the crystals have been indexed differently this could prevent their merging. The program Pointless would sort that out for you.
Phil On 2 Aug 2012, at 00:45, Edwin Pozharski wrote: > > The unit cells is slightly different from each other. For example, one has > > a/b/c @ 79/126/83. The other has a/b/c @ 84/127/90. Although they are > > collected from the same crystal. > > This is very substantial difference and with unit cell expanding by ~20% one > would expect scaling problems. Try using the same unit cell/orientation on > all datasets, it's easy to do if you abandon gui and feed input file directly > to denzo. > > -- > Edwin Pozharski, PhD > University of Maryland, Baltimore