The diffraction you see is probably not the best diffraction you could
obtain from these crystals. I have found long thin needles are
very susceptible to manipulation.
I would highly recommend seeding (I like the Hampton Seed Bead personally, ).
You need to try to change the shape of these crystals to beef them up.

Other Recommendations:
Vary protein concentration
Vary pH (if there is not a buffer in the well, determine pH of well and add
buffer to stabilize pH and screen around - I've had success changing needle
clusters with a  few 0.1 pH unit changes)
Dioxane to limit crystal nucleation, try to only add it to the well, not
mother liquor present in drop, 1 - 5 % Dioxane
Different MW PEGs

There are almost limitless possibilities of things to try with protein
Good luck,
Kelly Daughtry

Kelly Daughtry, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Raetz Lab
Biochemistry Department
Duke University
Alex H. Sands, Jr. Building
303 Research Drive
RM 250
Durham, NC 27710
P: 919-684-5178

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:40 AM, Niks <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am trying to crystallize a recombinant dehydrogenase protein. Got five
> hits in PEG ION Screen from Hamptons (20% PEG 3350 with 0.2M Sodium
> Acetate, 0.2M Potassium acetate, 0.2M ammonium acetate, 0.2M sodium formate
> and 0.2M Potassium Chloride) after two days.
> Crystals looks like needles most of time, sometime broader needles
> (Pictures attached). UV crystal scanner says those are protein crystals,
> but when we tried to pick up one and shoot at room temperature, diffraction
> patterns looks like similar like of  powder diffraction (picture attached).
> I have tried 50 of the 96 additives(whichever I can arrange of) mentioned
> in the additive screen from Hamptons . I have tried detergent screen from
> Hamptons (this time original screen solutions). I have tried incubating the
> plate at 28degrees as well as 10degrees, Though waiting for 10degree
> results but one drop  showed needles again after normal two days of growth
> period.
> I tried to slow down the supersaturation by adding 100ul of 1:1 ratio of
> silicon oil and paraffin oil over the 1ml of well solution. This time no
> crystals but some precipitation.
> If anyone spare any word of wisdom to improve these crystal quality, I
> will be very grateful.
> If seeding is the only obvious thing to try, any reference for the seeding
> procedure will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks very much
> Nishant Varshney
> PhD student,
> National Chemical Laboratory,Pune,India
> --
> "The most difficult phase of  life is not when No one understands you;It
> is when you don't understand yourself"

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