Hi all,
Plants suffer from DNA damage caused by ultraviolet light in the same way that
humans do. Unlike us though, they cant put on a sunhat (or move to England) to
avoid the suns rays. Read more about how plants sense UV-B light and turn on a
suite of genes to protect their DNA against its deleterious effects in the
latest installment of Quips (QUite Interesting Pdb Structures; pdbe.org/quips)
The accompanying mini-tutorial shows you how PDBeFold can be used to compare
and superimpose structures of proteins even if their sequences show circular
If you have an interesting structure whose story you would like to tell (with
our help) in the form of a Quips article, please contact us at p...@ebi.ac.uk
Gerard J. Kleywegt, PDBe, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK
ger...@ebi.ac.uk ..................... pdbe.org
Secretary: Pauline Haslam pdbe_ad...@ebi.ac.uk