Dear Chris,

The script might work technically, but applying the same 
transformation matrix 100 times to the output of the previous 
iteration is a recipe for disaster. PDB files only store 
coordinates to 3 decimal places and your rounding errors will 
build up horribly.

Far better to work out the transformation matrix/vector 
required for each iteration and apply that set to the original 



Dr. Robert Esnouf,
University Research Lecturer
and Head of Research Computing,
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics,
Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK

Emails:   Tel: (+44) - 1865 - 287783
    and        Fax: (+44) - 1865 - 287547

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 09:03:13 +0000
>From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> (on behalf 
of "Froehlich, Chris" <>)
>Subject: [ccp4bb] apply a spatial transformation on a pdb 
file n times  
>   Dear colleagues,
>   I want to apply a given
>   x-y-z-rotation/transformation matrix on a pdb file,
>   save the new pdb file and apply the same matrix
>   again on the new pdb file and repeat this e.g. 100
>   times, thereby saving all pdb files (i.e. 01.pdb,
>   02.pdb, 03.pdb etc.).
>   With pdbset this is very easy, but I'm wondering if
>   there is any script to do so because I don't want to
>   manually change file names all the time...
>   I am not very familiar with scripting, but I found
>   something in the internet.
>   Can anybody help please with this i.e. is this a
>   reasonable script to do so?
>   # repeat a spatial transformation on a pdb file n
>   times.
>   #!/bin/csh -f
>   start n=1 until n=x.
>   pdbset xyzin mypdbfile($n).pdb xyzout
>   mypdbfile($n+1).pdb <<eof-1
>   transform -
>      0.87831   0.47808   0  0  0  -1. -0.47808
>   0.87831   0 0.0  -2.713  0.0
>   eof-1
>   Thanks a lot,
>   Chris
>   Crystallography Dept. | Daumke group
>   Max-Delbrück-Centre for Molecular Medicine (MDC)
>   Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
>   13125 Berlin-Buch
>   Lab:     +49(0)30-9406-3263
>   Office: +49(0)30-9406-3275
>   Fax:     +49(0)30-9406-3814

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