Dear CCP4bb

I have collected a data-set using the supernova x-ray generator from Agilent 
and taken the mtz file generated by the data processing software in crysalis 
pro forward for structure solution.  The data collection was straight forward 
and the software seemingly processed the data successfully - space-group P2221, 
overall Rmerge 9%, I/sigmaI 11, redundancy 4.5 etc.  Truncate converted the 
intensities to structure factors with no problems, but when I tried to use the 
data for molecular replacement with Phaser it produced the following error:

FATAL RUNTIME ERROR: Reflections are not a unique set by symmetry

I'm not sure how to proceed from here as other programs in the suite do not 
seem to detect this problem.  Also when this error has been mentioned in the 
past on the bb it was with a data set collected on a Bruker home source and the 
data processed with Denzo/scalepack, and the suggested solution was to use the 
Bruker software to process the data.

I am currently attempting to reprocess the data with mosflm, but that is likely 
to be the subject of another post!

Any suggestions will be gratefully received.

Best wishes,


Dr Stephen Carr
Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Oxford
Oxon OX11 0FA
United Kingdom
tel 01235 567717

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