Hi Ed,
     What about submitting the uniprot accession number of your
protein to the PDB?.  As you know, this will just list the all entries
where your protein sequence is there..

-Vandu murugan..

On 6/23/12, Ed Pozharski <epozh...@umaryland.edu> wrote:
> Silly question.
> Say I want to find every structure in the PDB with the exact sequence or
> with perhaps 1-2 mutations.  I know of two ways of doing this.
> 1. Go to NCBI BLAST and run the sequence against the PDB subset.  The
> resulting list will have identities listed, so manual parsing is doable
> if there aren't too many hits.
> 2. PDB and PDBe both have the search by sequence features.  Trouble is
> the default E value seems to be tailored to poor sequence identity
> (which makes sense if you looking for potential MR models).  Sure, I can
> reduce the target E value, but it's a little cumbersome and I have no
> idea what the target level should be so that I don't get any 50%
> identical sequences yet not miss single/double mutants.
> Wouldn't it be nice if one could use the sequence identity cutoff/query
> coverage instead?  Much more comprehensible than the E-value.  Is there
> a search engine that does that? Seems like a fairly common need, and
> perhaps I just can't find on PDB website.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
> Ed.
> --
> Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy?
>                                                  Julian, King of Lemurs

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