As a suggestion:

   1. Perform your lysozyme treatment in buffer with 20% sucrose.
   2. Then pellet your still intact cells and remove supernatant (cells
   pellet is white and cell lack walls - sphaeroplasts). Periplasmic
   proteases,  metallophores, etc are all washed away.
   3. Then resuspend in your lysis buffer and sonicate - cells are very
   fragile and burst easily.

For more details, see supp methods of this paper:

Nat Methods. 2009 Jul;6(7):477-8.
Enabling IMAC purification of low abundance recombinant proteins from E.
coli lysates.
Magnusdottir A, Johansson I, Dahlgren LG, Nordlund P, Berglund H.
PMID:19564847 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Good luck,

On 21 June 2012 14:44, J. Valencia S. <> wrote:

> Greetings, everyone. We need to ask your advice on an issue with one of
> our proteins expressed in E. coli Rosetta cells. This yeast-derived
> protein has a very low yield compared to others we work with, and we think
> it is because the cells are hard to lyse: even after 3 cycles in a cell
> cracker the solution barely changes colour.
> We have no problems lysing Rosetta cells expressing other yeast-derived
> soluble proteins, and we usually obtain enough for our crystallisation
> screens. For the aforementioned protein we have already tried using STAR
> cells, varying the contents of the lysis buffer, sonicating, or adding
> FeSO4 to the solution (we think the protein binds Fe or Mn because it is
> yellow), but to no avail.
> Searching the ccp4bb archive and other resources did not help, so we would
> like to ask 2 questions to the community in order to focus our efforts
> better:
> 1. How can a recombinant protein make a cell harder to lyse?
> 2. Do you have any suggestions to avoid this effect?
> We appreciate any input, and will be sure to post a summary for future
> reference once this issue is solved.
> Sincerely,
> --
> J. Valencia S.
> PhD student

Dr. Darren Hart,
Team Leader
High Throughput Protein Lab
Grenoble Outstation
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

For funded access to ESPRIT construct screening via EU FP7 PCUBE:

Tel: +33 4 76 20 77 68
Fax: +33 4 76 20 71 99
Skype: hartdarren
Postal address: EMBL, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, BP181, 38042 Grenoble, Cedex
9, France

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