Wow, that's very cool! Can you divulge what the function of the
protein is? One thinks of some kind of mechanical spring...


On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 8:49 AM, anna anna <> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'd like your opinion about a structure I solved.
> Apart from protein structure itself, I think that my protein xtallized in an
> odd way!
> The biological unit is a dimer while the asymmetric unit is a tetramer (red
> cartoon in the figure) resulting from domain swapping between two dimers.
> The strange thing is that swapping connects infinite monomers and, rather
> than a xtal, my diffracting object seems a multilayer of endless linear
> polymers, a kind of papyrus with greek fret-like fibers. The figure shows
> the orientation of the polymers in each layer.
> I'd like to know if some of you have already seen a similar pattern or it is
> weird as I think!
> I'm further racking my brain to figure out a biological implication of this
> behaviour, I thought something like plaque formation but I can't find
> support in literature.
> All suggestions are welcome!!
> Cheers,
> Anna

Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program

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