Professor in Nano-Diffraction
of Biological Specimens
The University of Basel and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland 
invite applications for a Professor­ship in the area of Nano-Diffraction of 
Biological Speci­mens. We are considering applications at a tenure-track 
assistant or associate professor level. The position will be shared between the 
University of Basel and the PSI. It will be integrated into the research 
environment at the Biozentrum and the Swiss Nanosciences Institute (SNI) of the 
University of Basel and the Biology and Chemistry Department at PSI. The 
successful candi­date will be responsible for coordinating the design and 
operation of the biological end-station at the Swiss free electron laser 
(SwissFEL) at the PSI. The ideal candidate will develop a nano-diffraction 
setup for biomolecular samples (e.g. nanocrystals and suspensions of single 
particles, or viruses) for femto-second x-ray diffraction studies using free 
electron laser technology, and will have his/her own biological project of 
interest. The infrastructure of the Biomolecular Research Laboratory at PSI 
will support the research activities of the new professor. The successful 
candidate will contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at the 
Uni­versity of Basel and will engage in collaborative projects between the 
University of Basel and the PSI.
The University of Basel and the PSI offer an outstand­ing scientific 
environment and an attractive research endowment, and Switzerland provides a 
high standard of living and a superb cultural atmosphere. Applications, 
including CV, list of publications and a short research summary, should be sent 
by e-mail (pdf or zip) to Prof. Martin Spiess, Dean, Faculty of Science, 
University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 50, 4056 Basel, Switzerland, to 
dekanat-phil...@unibas.ch. For informal enquiries please contact Prof. Henning 
Stahlberg (henning.stahlb...@unibas.ch, phone: +41-61-387 32 62) or Prof. 
Gebhard Schertler (gebhard.schert...@psi.ch).
The deadline for receipt of applications is August 31, 2012. Applications from 
female candidates are particu­larly welcomed.

Prof. Gebhard F.X. Schertler 
Head of Biology and Chemistry 
Paul Scherrer Institut 
Laboratory of Biomolecular Research, BMR 
OFLC 109 
CH-5232 Villigen PSI 
phone +41 56 310 4265 

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