
On 29 May 2012 14:08, Phil Evans <> wrote:
> NO do NOT invert the hand. If you do you will end up with left-handed helices 
> etc

Surely not if you take care to also change the signs of the anomalous

> The alternative indexing systems all need to preserve the right-handed axis 
> system imposed by the data integration program (eg k,h,-l)
> The ONLY time it is valid to invert the hand is if the indexing/integration 
> program itself inverted the hand due to a bug (this has been know, but not 
> for a long time)

Assuming I've got the correct transformations and a.u. in P321 it's
only possible to re-index from the alternate setting if the hand is
inverted (and the anomalous data & any phase columns converted).


-- Ian

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