Dear Stephen,

On Fri, 2012-05-25 at 17:42 +0200, Stephen Cusack wrote:
> Dear All,
>      I need to deposit in the PDB the co-ordinates of a protein with an 
> internal truncation.
> If I do this in the normal way with consecutive numbering according to 
> the actual polypeptide sequence
> in the crystal, the residue numbers after the truncation will not 
> correspond to the equivalent residues
> in the untruncated protein (of which there is also a structure). Is 
> there any good solution to this problem?

I'm a little out of touch with this now, but AFAIK you should be able to
number the residues according to whatever scheme you like. There is
nothing new about keeping consistent residue numbers across multiple
structures that have insertions and/or deletions - antibodies are the
classic case.

As long as you give the truncated sequence in your deposition rather
than the untruncated one (so that it reflects what you actually
crystallised rather than the canonical or wild-type sequence), the PDB
should be fine with your chosen residue numbering scheme. You may need
to provide information about the conflicts between the truncated
sequence and the canonical one found in UniProt if your particular
sequence doesn't correspond to one of the variants already known to
UniProt. If you don't already know the UniProt accession code for your
protein, you may find that it helps the deposition process if you find
the correct one before deposition rather than leaving it up to the PDB
to look for it.

Good luck, and kudos for thinking about this before depositing!

Peter Keller                                     Tel.: +44 (0)1223 353033
Global Phasing Ltd.,                             Fax.: +44 (0)1223 366889
Sheraton House,
Castle Park,
Cambridge CB3 0AX
United Kingdom

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