Hello everyone

* *I Was trying to convert my mtz output of the SCALA to CNS format in
mtz2various but its gives some error

please look at log file ................

 CCP4 6.2: MTZ2VARIOUS              version 6.2 : 17/08/09##

 User: unknown  Run date: 21/ 5/2012 Run time: 11:53:39

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50,
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

 Data line--- OUTPUT CNS
 Data line--- labin  FP=F_New SIGFP=SIGF_New FPH=F_New SIGFPH=SIGF_New
DP=DANO_New SIGDP=SIGDANO_New FREE=FreeR_flag F(+)=F_New(+)
SIGF(+)=SIGF_New(+) F(-)=F_New(+) SIGF(-)=SIGF_New(+)
 Data line--- end

FORMATTED      UNKNOWN file opened on unit  22
Logical name: HKLOUT, Filename:

 XPLOR/CNS output to ASCII file assigned to HKLOUT
 - format(A,3i5,A,f10.1,f10.1,A,f10.2,A,i6)

FORMATTED      SCRATCH file opened on unit  23
Logical name: MTZ2VSCR, Filename: /tmp/ajay/mtz2various_TMP.04363

 Logical Name: HKLIN   Filename:

 * Title:

 [No title given]

 * Base dataset:

        0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

        1 New
            136.2400  261.8300  282.2798   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000

 * Number of Columns = 19

 * Number of Reflections = 261993

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * Column Labels :

 H K L FreeR_flag F_New SIGF_New DANO_New SIGDANO_New F_New(+) SIGF_New(+)
F_New(-) SIGF_New(-) ISYM_New IMEAN_New SIGIMEAN_New I_New(+) SIGI_New(+)
I_New(-) SIGI_New(-)

 * Column Types :

 H H H I F Q D Q G L G L Y J Q K M K M

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

  136.2400  261.8300  282.2798   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000

 *  Resolution Range :

    0.00003    0.13252     (    191.965 -      2.747 A )

 * Sort Order :

      1     2     3     0     0

 * Space group = 'P 21 21 21' (number     19)

  (spacegroup is known)

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file:
 Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename:

 MTZ2VARIOUS:   *** You are inputting F(+) AND  FP  - incompatible ***
Times: User:       0.0s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:00
* Information from CCP4Interface script
The program run with command:
/home/ajay/programs/ccp4/ccp4-6.2.0/bin/mtz2various HKLIN
HKLOUT "/home/ajay/Desktop/cns/p212121-.2moz_scala2.hkl"
has failed with error message
 MTZ2VARIOUS:   *** You are inputting F(+) AND  FP  - incompatible ***

#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 " MTZ2VARIOUS:   *** You are inputting F(+)
AND  FP  - incompatible ***"
#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 21 May 2012  11:53:39
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed

best regards

Sita Ram

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