Dear Colleagues, 

A postdoctoral position is available in the Al-Bassam Laboratory at UC-Davis, 
studying the structural basis of tubulin assembly and disassembly regulators 
into dynamic microtubules.  Our laboratory focuses on combining Structural 
biology and Single molecule biophysics approaches to study mechanisms of 
tubulin and microtubule regulators, including:  single particle cryo-EM, x-ray 
crystallography and single molecule total internal reflection fluorescence 
(TIRF) microscopy.  For information regarding ongoing projects, please visit 
our lab website:
Our laboratory is equipped with a state of the art protein expression and 
purification setups, crystallization and crystal imaging robots.  Our 
laboratory has full access to a state of the art, newly renovated, electron 
microscopy facility, that includes an aberration corrected JEOL 2100F (200 kV), 
a cryo-capable JEOL 2100F (200 kV), and a JEOL 1230 (120kV) as well as 
ancillary equipment for specimen preparation and transfer.  For a detailed 
description of the facility, see website:

Candidates should hold a PhD in biophysics, biochemistry or a related field. 
Candidates with experience in biochemistry, three-dimensional electron 
microscopy or x-ray crystallography are preferred, but outstanding candidates 
with expertise in other disciplines will also be considered.

Interested candidates should send a CV and names of references to Jawdat 

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action 

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