[Just to correct a few issue with my earlier announcement here it is again with subject line!]
Dear All, I would like to draw your attention to the DIALS-I workshop on X-ray Diffraction Data Analysis to be held at Diamond Light Source on June 12th/13th 2012. For information about the programme and how to register for the workshop please go to http://www.diamond.ac.uk/Home/Events/DIALS-1.html. A more detailed programme will appear soon. For any further information about the scope and purpose of the meeting please contact Gwyndaf Evans (gwyndaf.ev...@diamond.ac.uk<mailto:gwyndaf.ev...@diamond.ac.uk>). The number of places on the workshop is limited so please register as soon as possible. Regards, The Organisers Gwyndaf Evans, Graeme Winter, Alun Ashton and David Waterman