I would proceed in I422 and refine to get a decent model anyway. I presume
you have one molecule in that asymmetric unit?
You don't give the pointless stats on the merging of symmetry equivalents.
That would help decide whether the I point group is the more likely.  The
pseudo translation peak in P4 is 78% of the origin, which is high and makes
it likely that the I4 point group with c-P4 reduced to C/3  is correct

On 7 May 2012 16:07, Zhou, Tongqing (NIH/VRC) [E] <tz...@mail.nih.gov>wrote:

> Dear All,****
> ** **
> I have collected several dataset for an antibody:antigen complex. It
> apparently indexed to P4 space group with large cell dimensions of
> 191.7000/191.7000/311.0540. When I processed as P1 and ran Pointless, it
> suggested P422 as space group. P4212 gives the best MR solution with 6
> mol/ASU  (18 chains total ). However, ridigbody and subsequent refinement
> with TLS could not reduce the r and r-free which stayed at ~48%. Tried to
> go P4, P222…(12 mol/ASU) with twinning, but the refinement failed due to
> insufficient computer memory (12 GB), it was also impossible to refine in
> P1 due to the same reason.****
> ** **
> But for some data sets, HKL2000 also gave I4 space group with c axis
> reduced to 1/3 of that of P4. With the I4 data (~2.7 A resolution), I422
> was the best MR space group (1 mol/ASU), the refinement went down to r=29%
> and r-free=34%, but won’t go down further.****
> ** **
> Please advise if it’s possible to use the data ****
> ** **
> ** **
> *Tongqing*
> * *
> *Tongqing Zhou, Ph.D.*
> Staff Scientist****
> Structural Biology Section****
> Vaccine Research Center, NIAID/NIH****
> Building 40, Room 4609B****
> 40 Convent Drive, MSC3027****
> Bethesda, MD 20892****
> (301) 594-8710 (Tel)****
> (301) 793-0794 (Cell)****
> (301) 480-2658 (Fax)****
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