The 42nd Mid-Atlantic Macromolecular Crystallography meeting will be held at 
the University of Virginia from May 31 – June 2, 2012.  There are several 
reasons why you should make your plans now!  Most of the blocks of hotel rooms 
will be released to the public  and conference rates will expire on Monday, 
April 30th, 2012.  Also, after Monday University Housing will charge a $50 late 
registration fee. Additionally, space is limited for the Saturday workshops, 
and slots are filling up.

Details of the meeting can be found at .

We are also excited to announce TWO $250 poster prizes, one for students and 
one for postdocs!

Drs. David Cooper, Peter Horanyi and Michael Purdy
Co-Directors of the 42nd MAMCM

We would like to thank our sponsors: Agilent Technologies Inc., Art Robbins 
Instruments, Bruker, Emerald BioSystems, Formulatrix, HKL Research Inc., 
Labcyte, MiTeGen, Rigaku Americas Corporation, Rockland Immunochemicals, and 
TTP LabTech.

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