Dear Benini,Tina, Tim, Patrick, Tom, James, Mark and other CCP4ers,
Thank you very much for your suggestions!
First, as you suggested, I already applied microseeding
(strategies: seeds vs precipitants; seeds vs drop ratio) . SeMet protein
indeed crystallized in that case, but crystals are extremely small
and there were thousands of small crystals around the region of seeds.
Second, re-screening using SeMet proteins had some hits, --but
strangely, crystals can't be reproduced and optimised. (Does this reflect
somehow unstability of SeMet protein?)
Well, about how to get better SeMet crystals, do you still have
some suggestions?
Of course, I'm now still waiting for test my "rice shaped"/"shuttle
shaped" crystals, and will try S-SAD and heavy atom soaking too.
Thank you very much!