Dear all

Thank you for the responses. This is summary of the replies.

Quick change method:

I believe quick change is the standard method.

I have utilized a two step method, where two portions of the gene are amplified 
within the vector (instead of full vector amplification as in quickchange).
This process takes about a day longer than quickchange. I have found that if I 
am unable to make a mutation with quickchange, I can almost always mutate the 
base(s) using this two step method (without having to order new primers).

For example, with a pET vector system I would set up two PCR reactions. The 
first (called the 'left' reaction) with the T7 primer (forward primer, 
generally just forward of gene) and with a reverse primer containing my 
mutation (generally the same reverse primer I would use in quickchange pcr).
The second PCR (called the 'right' reaction) would contain the T7Term reverse 
primer (just down stream of gene) and a forward primer containing my mutation.

Then I would gel purify both the 'left' and 'right' amplification products, 
which should correspond roughly to # bases upstream of mutation and # bases 
downstream of mutation (+/- for the portion of vector amplified).

The next step would be to anneal the two amplification products using PCR. I 
would put in equal amounts of each product. I would set the PCR to run for 
about 5 cycles without any primers added to anneal the two products together. 
Then I would add T7 and T7term reverse primer for a full round of PCR to 
amplify the full gene with mutation (and up& downstream of gene in vector).

Once I have gel purified the gene with mutation, I use appropriate restriction 
enzymes to digest gene up & down stream (since those sites were amplified in 
1st round PCR by using vector primers). Then ligate into vector of choice (or 
the vector it was already in).

Alternative protocol -

PIPE method:
(no DpnI digest require)

Phusion method:
(uses phosporylated primers and no DpnI digest)

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