Dear Colleague, INSTRUCT-NL organize a one-day Instruct Workshop which will be on Wednesday April 25, 2012, in Leiden, the Netherlands, with as theme
Developments in Structural Biology: Instruct meets industry The program can be found at Confirmed speakers include Dave Stuart (Oxford), Bram Koster (LUMC), Elspeth Gordon (ESRF), Darren Hart (EMBL), Raimond Ravelli (LUMC), Imre Berger (ESRF), Jack Johnson (The Scripps Research Institute), Albert Heck (Utrecht University), Marc Baldus (Utrecht University) and Clemens Löwik (LUMC). During these talks, techniques including protein production, proteomics, mass spectrometry, solid state NMR, X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, and more, will be discussed. We welcome scientists interested in the field of Structural Biology, especially those interested in considering to use, or offer access to, technological infrastructures on a collaborative scientific base or from a commercial industrial point of view. For more information on how Instruct can be of help to you, please check the Instruct website at . The workshop will be held at Naturalis, the Dutch national museum for natural history ( The venue is conveniently located a few minutes walking distance from Leiden Central Railway Station, which is only a 20 minute train ride from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. The venue is also a mere 15 minute walk from the novel Netherlands Center of Electron Nanoscopy (NeCEN, ). Please register at The deadline for registration is the 18th of April 2012. Please distribute this mail to people you think might be interested. Best regards, Bram Koster: Albert Heck: Esther van Duijn: Raimond Ravelli: Reinout Raijmakers: