We would like to remind you of the biannual Gordon Conference on Diffraction
Methods in Structural Biology, which will be held at Bates College in
Lewiston, Maine from July 15-20. We are closer to the application
deadline now (June 17th), and places will be filling up pretty fast!
We have assembled by now an advanced draft of the final program, covering
all established but also new and exciting methodological aspects of
structural biology: the latest news on diffraction methods is combined
with sessions on complementary methods and with examples of successful
application of methods to challenging cases. A whole session on the last
day is dedicated to presentations selected from the posters sessions.
The speakers for this session will be selected during the meeting and all
poster presenters will have a chance to speak about their work.
The free afternoons providing ample opportunities for informal
discussions, and outdoors activities, including the traditional football
(aka soccer) game and the Great Outdoors outing to Auburn Lake and hiking
in the Thorncrag park - or just relaxing.
The Gordon Research Conference offers fellowships for underrepresented
minority members attending a conference for the first time. See:
Very limited funding on a first come first served basis is also available
for international minority graduate students or post docs, scientists
working in Eastern European or Former Soviet Union countries and research
active scientists from "Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions" (NSF
definition ). Eligible applicants should contact directly the conference
We hope to see you there !
Ana Gonzalez (Chair) & Tassos Perrakis (Vice-Chair)
*Evening Session: Highlights in structure solution
Discussion Leader: Andrew Leslie
Speakers: Andrea Mussacchio, William Weis
Morning Session: Getting the Best Out of Your Data I
Discussion Leader: James Holton
Speakers: Antony Kossiakoff, Aina Cohen, Elspeth Garman, Gerard
Poster Session I
Evening session: Runway-fit Models
Discussion Leader: Jane Richardson
Speakers: Robbie Joosten, Gerard Kleywegt, Zbigniew Dauter
Morning Session: Complementary Methods
Discussion Leader: Edward Snell
Speakers: Axel Brunger, John Tainer, Arwen Pearson, Piet Gros
Poster Session I
Evening Session: Driving Methods Development: Challenging Cases
Discussion Leader: Anastassis Perrakis
Speakers: Partho Ghosh, Jonathan Grimes, Maike Bublitz
Morning Session: Getting the Best Out of Your Data II
Discussion Leader: Airlie McCoy
Speakers: Kay Diederichs, Dominika Borek, Frank DiMaio, Jeffrey J. Headd
Poster Session II
Business Meeting
Evening Session: Towards Ultimate Sources
Discussion Leader: Janet Smith
Speakers: Thomas Schneider, Vivian Stojanoff, Sol Gruner
Morning Session: Talks Selected from Posters
Discussion Leader: Paul Adams (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
Speakers: To be announced at the meeting
Poster Session II
Evening session: Structural Biology at XFELs
Discussion Leader: John C. H. Spence
Speakers: Sébastien Boutet, Thomas White, Tomas Ekeberg