Hi all, concerning the staining, we get good results with a self-made "instant blue". First staining is achieved within 30min, full staining after maximal 4 hours I would say. You don't need to destain (still possible with H2O) since the background is not stained. Sensitivity is better than standard CBB-G250/Acetic Acid staining (not as good as silver stain though).
Staining recipe: 10% EtOH 2% phosphoric acid 5% (w/v) AlSO4 0.02% CBB-G250 The phosphoric acid might be problematic in this mixture, but that would be my only concern. At least you don't have to heat it plus you have higher sensitivity. Check this paper for more information: Fast and sensitive colloidal coomassie G-250 staining for proteins in polyacrylamide gels. Dyballa, N. & Metzger, S. PMID: 19684561 Best