Dear CCP4-ers,

Sorry for the offline topic. I would like to bring this the following

Dear Colleagues,
I wanted to bring your attention to a petition (see link below) started at<> by our colleague Dr. Steve Meltzer
at Johns Hopkins that calls for an increase for the NIH budget. As you
know, the President recently announced his proposed FY2013 budget, which
called for a flat NIH budget. After factoring in inflation, flat funding is
an equivalent of a funding cut. Research by biomedical community is already
heavily stressed, with NIH funding rates at a record low. Many of you would
be interested in supporting this petition, which provides a unique
opportunity to gain the attention of the White House. If the petition
receives 25,000 signatures by March 18th, the White House will review it.
We currently have over 12,000 signatures.

These are troubling times for the research community and medical progress
is at great risk.  Investigators, their institutions, Private research
funding organizations, patient advocate groups, and the biotech/pharma
sector all have a common goal - the betterment of human health. NIH funding
is a critical component for the biomedical research pipeline and increasing
funding for the NIH should be a goal we can all work together on. Please
help us in this endeavor and sign and share this petition with your
friends, family, and colleagues.

The petition link:

best regards,

Kerri A. Mowen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Departments of Chemical Physiology & Immunology and Microbial Sciences The
Scripps Research Institute 10550 N. Torrey Pines Rd, IMM-11 Immunology
Building Room 315 La Jolla, CA 92037
tel: 858-784-2248

Support bettering human health and improving our economy! Sign this
petition to support  increasing funding for the National Institutes of

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