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Dear Markus,

why don't you reintegrate the data with hkl2000 telling the program to
treat them as non-anomalous data-set? This should give you scalepack
output with the Bijvoet pairs merged and overcome the problem you describe.


On 02/13/2012 06:19 PM, Markus Meier wrote:
> On 11/02/12 02:52 PM, Bryan Lepore wrote:
>> did you ever get a response on this? it is interesting but nobody
>> posted publicly.
>> -Bryan
> Dear Bryan,
> so far no one replied ... so please find my answer below. If someone
> disagrees, please post.
> None of the methods I have described are appropriate.
> If the negative Bijvoet mates and the positive Bijvoet mates have been
> merged separately to one intensity value for each (i.e. I+ or I-) plus
> the associated standard deviation (sigI+ or sigI-), any weighted method
> to calculate the mean will bias the intensity to either the I+ or the I-.
> Therefore the only appropriate method is to use the unweighted mean:
> Imean = 0.5*( I+ + I- )
> sigImean = 0.5 * sqrt( sigI+^2 + sigI-^2 )
> The only CCP4 program I found that actually does this is mtzMADmod. This
> method also has the advantage that the original intensity values of I+
> and I- can be reconstructed from the mean and the anomalous difference
> (albeit with the loss of the original standard deviations).
> Method 1 (scalepack2mtz)
> should not be used. The resulting value is not the best estimate
> (maximum likelihood)
> Method 2 (in book by B. Rupp)
> gives the maximum likelihood average in case that the reflections are
> equivalent and is thus appropriate for the merging of the negative (or
> positive) set of Bijvoet mates, centric reflections (where the anomalous
> differences are zero) or in the case of an non-anomalous dataset the
> merging of symmetry equivalent reflections.
> Method 3
> gives a more realistic sigma value in the case that the individual
> intensity values are far apart and their individual standard deviations
> are small. Consider the example I have posted:
> I+: 23841.50 sigI+: 634.01 I-: 9628.57, sigI-: 264.75
> Method 2: Imean=11738.95, sigIMean=244.31
> Method 3: Imean=11738.95, sigIMean=7106.47
> If the I+ and I- values above actually were symmetry equivalent
> reflections in an non-anomalous dataset, the sigImean from method 2 is
> ridiculously small and method 3 gives a far more realistic value. If
> method 3 is the best mathematical solution to this problem I am not able
> to judge and I have to trust the statistician (or programmer) who
> implemented this solution.
> Cheers,
> Markus
> On 10/02/12 01:47 PM, Markus Meier wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a anomalous dataset, processed in HKL2000. Scalepack outputs a
>> file containing the separately merged sets of the Friedel pairs I- and
>> I+ and their standard deviations sigI+ and sigI-. Scalepack does not
>> output the averaged intensities (Imean) and the standard deviations
>> (sigIMean).
>> The CCP4 program truncate that I use to convert the intensities to
>> amplitudes requires Imean, I- and I+ and the respective standard
>> deviations in its input file.
>> I have now found at least three different methods to generate the
>> averaged intensities from the Friedel pairs:
>> 1) scalepack2mtz
>>    uses standard deviations for the weights:
>>    weights w = 1/sigI
>>    Imean = (w+*I+ + w-*I- ) / (w+ + w-)
>>    sigImean = 1 / (w+ + w-)
>> 2) Method described in Biomolecular crystallography by Bernhard Rupp, p.
>> 332/333
>>    to average symmetry equivalent reflections
>>    uses variances for the weights:
>>    weight w = 1/sigI^2
>>    Imean = (w+*I+ + w-*I- ) / (w+ + w-)
>>    sigImean = 1 / sqrt(w+ + w-)
>> 3) Method used in cctbx
>>    function miller.set.average_bijvoet_mates() that calls generic
>> merge.merge_equivalent_obs():
>>    same as methods 2, except that
>>    sigImean is the larger of either
>>      a) sigImean = 1 / sqrt(w+ + w-)
>>      or
>>      b) sigImean = sqrt( wvariance )
>>    where wvariance =
>>      (w+ + w-) / [ (w+ + w-)^2 - (w+^2 + w-^2) ] *
>>      [ w+*(F+ - Imean)^2 + w-*(F- - Imean)^2 ]
>> What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? Should method
>> 1 be used at all?
>> Some example from my dataset:
>> Reflection (1, 1, 0), space group P3 2 1
>> I+: 23841.50 sigI+: 634.01 I-: 9628.57, sigI-: 264.75
>> Method 1: Imean=13815.32, sigImean=186.76
>> Method 2: Imean=11738.95, sigIMean=244.31
>> Method 3: Imean=11738.95, sigIMean=7106.47
>> Thanks a lot!
>> Cheers,
>> Markus

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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