The MacCHESS BioSAXS Essentials minicourse filled up just a few days after we made the announcement over a week ago. Hopefully the overflow will find their way to Brookhaven and other places. To date, there has NOT been a lot of interest among potential organizers in holding such a course at the annual American Crystallographic Association meeting.
Given the intense interest in the subject, I would like to know if any of you CCP4 readers would be interested in attending a lecture-only BioSAXS HOWTO workshop at the ACA meeting in Hawaii 2013. Please be realistic, I know many would LIKE to go ... but would you actually be able to go? I would also be interested in hearing from any interested potential organizers. (Please also keep in mind that SAS2012 is in Australia Nov 2012, so that may make a difference in your travel plans). Richard Gillilan chair-elect ACA SAXS SIG MacCHESS Cornell University Ithaca, NY On Feb 6, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Robert Sweet wrote: > And here's one from Brookhaven -- app. deadline is three weeks away: > > > >> >> >> Getting Started in Biological Small-Angle X-ray Solution Scattering >> Feb 24-26, 2012 >> "Students will have the opportunity to collect data on CHESS beamlines using >> protein >> standards and/or their own samples." >> > > -- > ========================================================================= > Robert M. Sweet E-Dress: > Group Leader, PXRR: Macromolecular ^ (that's L > Crystallography Research Resource at NSLS not 1) > > Biology Dept > Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. Phones: > Upton, NY 11973 631 344 3401 (Office) > U.S.A. 631 344 2741 (Facsimile) > =========================================================================