Deepak Thankappan Nair wrote:
Dear Dr. Berry
thanks for the mail. maybe the syntax that I provide is not correct.
i assume you have to write
MOLECULE<1>  CHAIN A to define the first surface
but i get the following error:

   No molecule number given
  SC:   Syntax: MOLECULE<n>
  SC:   Syntax: MOLECULE<n>

I think you don't put the "<>" in "<n>" - just the number.
here is an example that runs:

sc xyzin temp.pdb <<eof
MOLecule 1
zone C 20 C 379
MOLecule 2
zone R 74 R 196

Good luck!

there are no examples on the ccp4 website
any light on this would be very valuable,

On 2/6/12, Edward A. Berry<>  wrote:
Deepak Thankappan Nair wrote:
Can anybody tell me a method to quantitate shape complementarity
between two surfaces? Sc program in CCP4 is not running properly.
thanks and regards

I think SC is THE way to calculate it.
If not working in the current release, we should get it fixed.
Can you be more specific?

For me using ccp4-6.2.0 it runs and gives apparently reasonable output:

   Mean normal product:    surface 2 to surface 1 =  0.419
   Median normal product:  surface 2 to surface 1 =  0.411

   Summary of results:
             D(A->B)      D(B->A)     D(A->B)+D(B->A)/2
   Mean       1.168        1.057            1.113
   Median     1.116        1.000            1.058

             S(A->B)      S(B->A)     S(A->B)+S(B->A)/2
   Mean       0.389        0.419            0.404
   Median     0.355        0.411            0.383

   Shape complementarity statistic Sc =    0.383

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