Dear BioSAXS users, Beamtime at MacCHESS will be available during the Spring running period (March 7-March 27) for BioSAXS.
To apply for time, please submit an online express-mode proposal at Under "Choice of experimental technique" specify "Other In the box provided for "Special experimental and facility needs" type "standard BioSAXS". Please also send me an email when you submit your express mode form:<> To insure a successful visit, please carefully follow the sample preparation guidelines and other information given on our BioSAXS web link: ---- News ------ BioSAXS Essentials III, the introductory SAXS minicourse for biologists is open for registration! Have your students apply soon, the course is already rapidly filling up ... only 4 more slots left: MacCHESS has purchased two Pilatus 100K-S detectors which are dedicated exclusively to BioSAXS. The first detector is now in full-time operation for users at F2 station. We have also purchased an AKTA Purifier size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) system for use at the F2 beamline. If your samples seem to aggregate rapidly after preparation, or you think you may have a mixture, you may want to investigate on-site SEC. If you are interested, contact me (Richard Gillilan) directly for details. ------------------ We look forward to an exciting Spring running period and hope you can join us! Best Richard Gillilan MacCHESS