MacCHESS is pleased to announce that the BioSAXS Essentials III Workshop
will once again be offered at Cornell University.
*BioSAXS Essentials III: Getting Started in Biological Small-Angle X-ray
Solution Scattering*
*Date:*February 24-26, 2012
*Location:*Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source, Ithaca, NY
** to be held in the new CHESS eXploration Station educational Facility
*Cost: *$150
*Deadline for Registration: February 10, 2012*
MacCHESS is offering an intensive HOWTO course in BioSAXS. A day of
lectures on basics and software tutorials by experienced practitioners
in the field will be followed by actual data collection on two MacCHESS
beamlines (F2 and G1 stations).
While the primary purpose of the course is educational, students may
bring a limited number of their own research samples. Prepared standard
protein samples will be available to all students for practice.
*Course topics*:
·Basic principles and processing methods
·Critical sample preparation tips
·Evaluating data quality
·Computing envelopes and data modeling
·Overview of advanced and emerging methods
·What you need to know for publication
R. Gillilan (MacCHESS)
S. Nielsen (Danish Technical University)
M. Moller (University of Copenhagen)
K. Gupta (UPENN Medical school)
T. Grant (Hauptman-Woodward Institute)
N. Ando (MIT)
L. Pollack (Cornell University)
·Once registration is complete you must submit a short express-mode
proposal form
·If you are bringing your own samples please notate in Section 9 of the
proposal form the solution you will be using for your samples to
determine hazards, if any.
·Additionally please notate "BioSAXS Essentials Course" in Section 9 of
the form.
·You are also required to complete an on-line safety training at (this safety training
is necessary in order to use our facility).
*HOTEL:* We have a block of rooms set up at the Best Western
University Inn located just one block from CHESS at 1020 Ellis Hollow
Road, Ithaca, NY. The rate of the room is *$89/night*. To make a
reservation call the hotel direct at *(607) 272-6100* and ask for the
BioSAXS workshop room block OR the CHESS rate. The Best Western offers
a free shuttle service to and from the Ithaca airport and to Cornell Campus.
Hope you can join us. Should you have additional questions, please call
(607) 255-7163.
Richard Gillilan
Sr Scientist
Ithaca, NY