If you still have the input to scalepack you can rerun it to get an
unmerged file for both sets of data..
You dont need to change the SG unless of course there is a different
indexing convention for the sets..
pointless should handle that - you can generate a mtz file for each data
set, then ask to match the indexing to the first
Then you can combine the 3 mtz files, and get a single one ready for
input to scala (or aimless)
On 12/22/2011 03:30 PM, Yuri Pompeu wrote:
I was actually trying to do the same thing. I have to data sets processed in
p21 that I would like to merge as one contains higher resolution data. They
were processed and merged using the HKL suite. So I have the two .sca files
I guess the first step for me would be to create " a fake unmerged set" of both
using Combat, as suggested by prof. Dodson and others. Practically speaking, do I
accomplish that by changing the space group to P1 while keeping my cell dimensions
constant in combat?
Thanks a lot