Good to know, thanks.  I was actually wondering about this recently.

On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Dima Klenchin <>wrote:

> I've seen this happening to water molecules as well (in a somewhat
>> unpredictable fashion).  In the latest refmac versions, you can try
>> harmonic restraints, although these will only slow down the atom drift,
>> as the target position is updated every cycle.
>> Perhaps you can use distance restraints against a dummy atom to fix the
>> metal ion in place.
> Thanks, Ed!
> Just in case anyone else has the same issue:
> With Garib's help, I have forced the atom into its position by using
> external distance restrains of zero length against the same
> symmetry-related atom. The cause is unclear because the same program
> handles special positions in another structure just fine. Here is the exact
> command I used:
> EXTERNAL DISTANCE first chain M residue 3 atom MN -
>   second chain M residue 3 atom MN value 0.0 sigma 0.00 symm Y
> Occupancy set manually to 0.5.
> - Dima

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