Posted on behalf of Dr Callaghan - please contact her directly.

4 year Ph.D. Studentship on RNase structure and metabolic control.
School of Biological Sciences.
University of Portsmouth.

Supervisor: Dr Anastasia Callaghan 

Co-supervisor: Dr Sarah Newbury (Sussex Medical School)

Understanding how metabolism is controlled within a cell is fundamentally 
important and is directly applicable to medical, environmental and 
biotechnological advances. 

Our studies have recently identified that a molecule of central metabolism 
interacts with an RNase and affects its ability to destroy mRNA. This project 
will unravel the details of this newly discovered mechanism and investigate 
whether it represents a conserved metabolite-RNase communicative link in 
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 

Training will be provided in a range of molecular biology, biochemical, 
biophysical, and structural techniques. 

Please see: &

Informal enquires welcome:

Application deadline: 31st January 2012

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