A post-doctoral position in AMPA glutamate receptor biology (AMPA-Rs) is available in Ingo Greger's lab at the MRC LMB, Cambridge. This post is funded by MRC-Technology and aims to develop AMPA-R modulators targeting the receptor's N-terminal domain (NTD). We seek an experienced crystallographer with an interest in ion channels. This is a multidisciplinary, collaborative project involving ligand-observed NMR screens, biophysical approaches, ligand evolution and AMPAR electrophysiology.
Sukumaran et al. 2011. EMBO J. 30, 972-82 Jensen et al. 2011. J. Mol. Biol. 414, 96-105 (Rossmann et al. 2011. EMBO J. 30, 959-71) For further details please contact Dr. Ingo Greger at i...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk (http://www2.lmb.internal/group-leaders/a-to-g/i-greger)